In addition to selling my own work I also take wedding, family, portrait, pet and commercial assignments. If there is a special photograph you would like to have, or if there is something I can photograph, print or reproduce for you please ask. It will be my pleasure to assist.
We do not use consumer photo labs. To ensure you have the highest quality images possible we edit using custom built graphic workstations and do all printing in our studio using professional fine art printers.
I often ask myself what is it really that I am trying to achieve and become known for? So far I have not been able to quantify this although my greatest pleasure is derived from being outdoors and capturing landscape and other outdoor images. In my previous life I was a “general manager”. It seems that in this life I will be a “general photographer”.
I do know that I aim for perfection in image quality and reproduction. Perfection being a high quality image which is printed on the best paper to the finest detail possible and which has a great degree of permanence. This may be a long way from what one may consider to be a good photograph as it seems that, as it is with most art, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder and hopefully, the creator too.
The best I hope to be able to achieve is to capture and portray the moment, as I saw it in my minds eye, in a way that satisfies my artistic sense and technical standards.
“Fine Art Photography”......some frown upon the term, so I use it with reservation. I do feel however that it helps to describe the type of work I strive to produce. Regrettably I cannot draw, so any chance of fine art works from my hand, or foot, will have to wait for my next life. In this one I try to create fine art photographic prints for your enjoyment and mine.
You will find my galleries here.
home : introduction : galleries : workshops : bio : photography : wedding : printing : giclée : reproductions : restoration : technical : copyright : contact
copyright George Klass 2008 - 2014